Owh. Finally, i declare my self as officially broke. Waiting for the financial help to come. Maybe in two day times. OMG! Lambat nye lg. Waiting. Waiting. Patience.
So I'm thinking to have my own blog shop. Haha. Nak jual apa ye? I'm thinking to jual this kind of accessories for female since i once pernah pegi kursus belajar buat benda- benda ni suma. Yup. Bracelets, necklace, bla. bla. Tapi malas nak buat. Haha. Ok. We'll see, maybe during this coming holiday, if i have a loooooot of free time, I'll make some and will sell them at my own blog shop. So people, please pray for me. Then maybe i can gain more money. Plus all the raw materials and so on i dah ada. Tinggal nak buat je. And fikir sedikit idea kreatif utk jadikan benda- benda tu semua unik, cantik, bergaya, trendy, and stylo. Nanti la. Ni angan- angan je.
Plus my bf once has told me to help him to sell his collection of duit lama. He's so into this kind of barang antik. Dia ada collect duit- duit lama yg cantik. And of course unique, at least for him. And i do agree sometimes.
So maybe i can combine both the ideas to become my own blog shop. What a dreamer me. Tapi apa salahnya mempunyai cita- cita kan? Maybe with this little business can help me to lighten my burden since i like to waste my money on sooooo many things. Serve me right.
The Shopaholic,
New Year?
2 months ago
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