Every now and then when Im all alone
Ill be wishing you would call me on the telephone
Say you want me back but you never do
I feel like such a fool theres nothin I can do
Im such a fool for you
I cant take it what am I waiting for
My heart still breakin I miss you even more
And I cant fake it the way I could before
I hate you, but I love you
But I cant stop thinkin of you
Its true Im stuck on you
Dang! Lagu ni mmg tepat kena atas dahi ak. Mcm sial la. Sakit hati wei. Why i still cant get over him? Just dump him!! Bodoh la. Fikir la wei azreen. Dah mcm2 kot dia buat kat ko. Nape ko still thinking of him. Ko ni mmg lemah la azreen. Come on, you go girl. Grow up. Wake up. Tlg la,pulangkan hati ak balik. Oh hati,kuat la sikit semangat ko. Ko kan kental.
Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahim,kau kuatkan la semangat ak. Hanya engkau yg lebih mengatahui segala- galanya. Hanya engkau yg tahu mana yg lebih baik utk hamba-Mu. Engkau jadikan lah ak hamba-Mu seorg yg tabah dan redha dgn ketentuan serta qada' dan qadar-Mu. Amin.
New Year?
5 weeks ago
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