The Fans

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winner of First Giveaway By Cerita Superstar

Alhamdulillah, GA dah berakhir. Kepada kawan2 yang sudi join, tq so much! So, here the participants:

And the winner is, drum roll please

Congrats dear. Boleh email nama/ address/ phone no secepat mungkin untuk memudahkan sesi menghantar hadiah to


Farhana IezAna said...

Saya ke??
Syukur..bertuah arini..thank to u..kjp lagi i email ye..

cik mah said...

tahniah ana...bestnyer....

PUAN PIA said...

yg len xdapat cenderahati ke? hehe.. tahniah ana..... nnt nk pinjam eh...hehe